How to get rid of worms at home?

No one is free of worms, and therefore, ways of dealing with parasites, infections you must know, for each person. Folk remedies used in the house of the not-for — is the most secure method to get rid of them. It is the use of medicinal plants, with properties for the destruction of vermin.


Characteristics herbs

Popular medicine, which allows you to deal with parasites, has, without a doubt advantages in comparison with the pills. The natural components available, tested by time, and gently affect the person, helping to fend off the large number of known helminths.

Purification techniques must be chosen with care, trying to learn with them as possible — some have guided the action in relation to a particular group of worms and protozoa, and take them with other diagnoses without sense. If you have doubts, you should refuse the realization of the self-medication and consult the doctor.

The base tale of the recipes are a variety of herbal ingredients, able to kill and then remove the human body the dead body of helminths.

To apply such resources in practice, very easy, since many of them are available and are always at hand.

The task of folk medicine

Many people the idea of getting rid of worms in house perceive condescending, and even negative. This may explain the desire of man to keep up with the time, enjoy pharmaceutical innovations and not to resort to the techniques of the last century". It also reduces the confidence of a large number of unscrupulous "by the doctors", which, for the sake of profit, offer to cure any type of disease is through banana and other herbs, by money by distributing their products on the internet.

But, in reality, the medicinal plants have the power, when it fell into the hands of knowing the person. Its 100% natural composition and the correct selection of ingredients allows for maximum security, act on the patient's body, causing the damage system of the liver, digestive tract, vessels.

The use of interesting tales recipes at home can result in trouble. The entire plant has its list of counter-indications, even though they seem harmless. Even chamomile can harm, if you take your wrong. Therefore, the apparent simplicity of the medicine not conventional, only such seems.

The grass, purposely kill the worms, have a toxic effect — all, without exception, otherwise, the treaty would not be sense. Most of them are poisonous, some are irritating to the organs of the intestinal tract, others cause intoxication. For this reason, the treatment of plants in ways that are prohibited the following groups of people:

  • person with chronic pathologies of the digestive system in the acute phase;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children up to 2 years.
Herb from worms

Before you use one of the following recipes, you must make sure that there are no problems with blood pressure, the liver and kidneys. Otherwise, to avoid the development of side effects is virtually impossible.

Characteristics of folk medicine

It is considered that, with the help of plants you can destroy and take any parasite. It is important to the competence of organizing the process of deworming, breaking each phase. Consider them in a table.

The treatment stage.The mechanism of action of
PreparationUp to 7 days before the start of therapy, begin each day drinking to the carving of the pumpkin butter a half hour before the ingestion of food with the aim of evacuation of toxins from the body.
The excretion of the organism from parasitesFounded on respect recommended dosages, and multiplicity of use of herbal medications.
RecoveryNormalizes the body in general. Provides for the compliance with the diet, the rejection of harmful food, in the treatment of broths of herbs to normalize the functions of internal systems, damaged as a result of helminthiasis.

Listing the main points of therapy, we get to the recipes.

The treatment for adults

To combat worms popular means of pet in the home there is a large number of recipes based on medicinal herbs. We consider simpler and more effective.

Simple recipes

Tansy. This plant has anthelmintic action, can only be used for adults. In parasitology applied it in a inflorescence.

To combat nematodes — pinworm and ascaride, necessary to grind powder tansy, and mix it with honey in equal proportions. Take received the tool half an hour before meal in the morning and evening for 3 days. Accept the last portion of the match with the enema or laxative drug.

It is important to observe the dosage tansy, because the plant is toxic and, when it exceeds the recommended proportions can cause such side effects as cramping, stomach pain and vomiting.

Absinthe. It is effective against all worms that are round. Based on the plants prepare a true dye, has pronounced anthelmintic influence.

In equal proportions take the pumpkin seeds and finely chopped leaves of artemisia, poured into your vodka in a ratio of 1:3. the future of medicine insist 7 days in the shade. Take a tincture of morning and evening for a small drink and the food intake. Course of 2 weeks.

Can't be the treaty of absinthe, future and nursing mothers, people with gastric ulcer and duodenal.


Immortelle. Help of tape parasites. In the same way act st. john's wort, yarrow and chamomile, which you can use in a single set or separately. The first option is the most ideal.

To make infusion therapy 2 St. tablespoons of herbs immortelle (or collection of the above plants mixed in the same proportion), pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist in a period of 12 hours in a thermos. Then, the tool decant and take half a glass of 4 times a day before meals. A course of 10 days.

Immortelle prohibited from use for the treatment of pregnant women, when hypertension and HolECIStITE.

Pumpkin seeds. Quite a popular tool in the fight against the parasites. It helps to clear the body of worms, tapeworms, and some other helminths. There are two forms of treatment pumpkin seed:

  1. Every morning, on an empty stomach to eat 2 St. tablespoons peeled and chopped product. After that, for hours, not eating anything, and then take flaccid drugs.
  2. The fast eating 300 grams of dried seeds. After 30 minutes, drink a glass of warm milk, in which has already been welded, garlic, and even through a amount of time consumed laxative.

The treatment pumpkin seed is prohibited for people with acidity in the organs of digestion.

Walnut. Use in combat with nematodes and cestode (pinworms, roundworm, roundworm, bovine and swine apni). Revenue in dealing with them is very simple: 4 St. tablespoons shredded immature nuts (must be green!) pour a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. Ready the tool of filter paper and divide into three portions that you need to drink per day. The last dose of the infusion complement the intake of laxative.

The use of nuts with more to deal with the goal of forbidden, the pregnant women and nursing mothers, people with higher collapsibleStd blood.

Garlic. Powerful vermifuge, not losing its popularity. It is active against all parasites, including protozoa — Toxoplasma, amoeba, and Giardia.

To prepare for the universal cleaning of garlic crushed 50 grams of peeled cloves and pour 200 ml of vodka. Insist future remedy in the container in the dark for 7 days. Take 20 drops 3 times a day, half an hour before a meal. Course of 2 weeks.

The application of garlic in folk medicine is contraindicated to people with renal diseases, in gastritis and gastric ulcer, as well as epilepsy.

The onion. In a short space of time-poison round parasites. For cleaning of worms and Ascaris enough a single intake tools.

A large onion chopped with the grater and pour a glass of boiled water. Insist on a period of 12 hours. When you wake up in the morning to drink on an empty stomach.

The use of the bow for the conduct of de-worming against-indicated in people with a tendency to increased blood pressure.

The linseed oil. Effective against worms, necator, and Trichinella. Does not act against Ascaris. The drug is taken by 1 h. teaspoon 5 times per day before meals. Course of 2 weeks.

The tool is not recommended when pancreatitis, HolECIStITE and pregnancy.

The carving of the pumpkin with butter. Promotes the release of the tape, and round worms. Take 1 h. teaspoon in the morning, the afternoon and in the evening, after the meal. A course of 10 days.

Be treated pumpkin oil undesirable people who suffer from diabetes and cholecystitis has been submitted.


Brandy. In the fight against worms will help you use of 4 St. tablespoons of strong drink, can be diluted with normal unsweetened tea in equal proportions. After half an hour of taking 2 St. tablespoons of kaStopku. The course of treatment of 5 days, the procedure is carried out immediately before going to sleep.

De-worming with the brandy for use by pregnant women and lactating women, people with epilepsy and hypertension, ulcer of the stomach.

Soda. Everyone knows that the sodium bicarbonate, diluted with water, turns into pink. Thanks to this property, you can clean the body of excess acids and normalize the natural response of the blood (ph 7,42). The sodium bicarbonate take orally and in the form of enemas.

The development of worms is the best of everything happens in an acid environment. This method is effective against worms, Ascaris, tapeworms, intestinal dwuwStOK and tapeworms. A solution of sodium bicarbonate orally before meals, pre-dilute ¼ h. the spoon in hot water. If the body tolerates a product, it is possible to increase the number of and a half times. The treatment varies from 15 to 30 days depending on the welfare of the patient.

In addition put enemas, based on 2 liters of hot water they charge 30 g of common salt and 20 g of soda. Therapy for the recommended solution to inject the part and always keep the bowel at least 30 minutes. The procedure part of the morning or in the evening.

More sophisticated methods of

We have listed simple recipes, with anthelmintic action, consisting of one or two components. And now, let's look at more complex ways of dealing with the parasites adults.

Dye. There are a large number of alcoholic funds, created on the basis of medicinal herbs. Many of them have universal action.

  • A St. tablespoon of yarrow, tansy and wormwood, mixed in equal proportions, pour a glass of vodka and insist in not less than 14 days. Ready tool take 20 drops 3 times a day. Course of 2 weeks.
  • 20 grams of chopped garlic and the same quantity of the root of horseradish pour 500 ml of vodka and insisted for 10 days. Take St. teaspoon 2 times a day. Course of 2 weeks.
Pumpkin seeds

Vegetable rates. The combination of several medicinal herbs with anthelmintic action, reinforces the efficiency of each other and that helps to clean the body of most species of parasites.

Popular TroyhAtka has established itself as a protivalandStNoah tool in alternative medicine. To cook, it will need 10 g of artemisia, 15 g of cloves and 30 g tansy. Components lead to the elimination of residues, thoroughly mixed, and use layout marked in the table. Times the amount of the drug — 1 teaspoon.

Days of treatmentThe recommended dosage is
11 h. l. on an empty stomach before breakfast.
21 h. l. before the morning and the light of the day, the food intake.
3-71 h. l. 3 times a day.
8-21By the previous diagram, once a week.

If desired, the treatment can extend for several months. Prior to the application of the triad Ivanchenko it is important to ensure that there is no contra-indication to any of the components plant in the preparation.

Tansy, chamomile and wormwood. Another no less effective collection, that is able to ward off the nematodes and protozoa. Take in the same proportion of 30 g of flowers of tansy and chamomile, and both the leaf of artemisia. Pour the resultant of a mixture of a glass of boiled water and to insist within an hour. Drink a tool, in full, at the time of the morning with an empty stomach. At night, prepare an infusion of new and take before going to sleep. Course of 6 days.

Enemas. Help combat the parasites that live in the intestine. We offer to consider the most effective revenue, ensure the cleaning of the body.

  • 20 g of artemisia and the same amount of tansy mix, boil one cup of boiling water. In a little onStывWandй infusion add a crushed garlic clove. After 3 hours of mortar, ready for the realization of enemas. She put on at any time of the day, for a week. The solution can expel worms and Ascaris.
  • 50 ml of pumpkin oil and closer to winning the "pera". The procedure it is important to do before sleep. The course of two weeks.

Enema of worms, held in the home environment, should be conducted in accordance with the rules of deworming. Only that in this case the cleaning of the body, will be more successful.

Before the introduction of the therapeutic drilling with anthelmintic action, it must be completely removed from the bowel are trapped Wlакonвые deposits. To do this, in 2 liters of room temperature water (preferably pre-demineralized or onтStonяннonй 24 hours) add 1 h. tbsp salt and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. The procedure that passes articulated (presses-elbow pose with the retention of the solution for 10 to 15 minutes, and their number should be divided into four parts and inserted into the patient's small intestine portions. Then proceed to the realization of therapeutic procedures.


The treatment of the children

To combat worms that the child uses to maximize the preservation of revenue. Its correct application allows you to clear the body of the child, without recourse to the aid of medicines.

Then, consider effective and simple ways of treatment in children, authenticated:

  • roundworms derive shredded pumpkin seeds in quantities of 1 St. tablespoons on an empty stomach, after waking up;
  • apni fixed a clove of garlic, eaten before breakfast, during 2 weeks;
  • to expel tape worms and some other parasites in children, help with the infusion made crusts: the peel of a fruit brew half a cup of boiling water and give ½ h. tablespoons, 3 times a day. The dosage has to overcome the forbidden, as well as artificially enhanced the concentration of a component can be the cause of visual problems in the child;